Бейсенбі, 25 Қаңтар 2018

MINEX Central Asia 2018

The 9th MINEX Central Asia Forum will be held on 17-19 April 2018 in Astana, Kazakhstan

Forum theme “Central Asia – moving up with the buoyant markets”

The current state of the Central Asian mining sector can be described as follows:

  • Upbeat markets
  • Increasing state investment in the mining sector
  • Changes in the Kazakhstan mining sector regulations - a new code "On Subsoil and Subsoil Use", the Tax Code, the Environmental Code
  • Stricter requirements for transparency and responsibility
  • Increased investors’ interest in IPOs of mining companies
  • Creation of the international investment centre in Astana
  • Emergence of new financing instruments
  • Active focus on process optimisation and production modernisation, introduction of "Industry 4.0" technologies

All these and many other topics will be discussed by industry leaders at the forum.


You can see the preliminary forum agenda on our website.




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